The acne is an annoying state of skin which affects people of each age, kind, and race. The scientific name for the condition is vulgaris of acne because the acne usually runs up in simply obvious places such as the face, the neck, the trunk and the back. The acne is a historical problem which had probably infested people during centuries. But there are many methods of treatment available for this awkward state. Lu to learn above more about the acne, and what you can make to treat it. Who obtains the acne? The acne usually starts around the period of puberty. More than eighty percent of teenagers and préadolescents will develop the acne to a certain extent. It affects males and females, but the boys are to have the serious acne and to have an acne which continues in the adulthood. What causes the acne? The acne can be caused by a certain number of factors. To come into contact with an oily substance such as mineral oil, oils vegetable, or oil is a common cause of the acne, just as the use of certain drug, steroids, on the contraceptive pillule. However, the acne is generally causes by the secretion of the androgens. The androgens are hormones of sex which at the beginning are secreted at the beginning of puberty. The acne is also caused by introducing much red meat, milk, sugar and white flour. They are the male hormones but they are as well secreted by females. The androgens stimulate the production of oil of glands of cutaneous secretion. The acne occurs when these oil glands become too active and the exit of gland is blocked, making accumulate in gland and inflate oil. The bacteria called the acnes of Propionibacterium colonizes this inflated gland normally causing the development of the ignition and the pus. In particular serious cases, the glands can burst in the skin and produce cysts. How I should
treat my acne? More than ninety percent of acne the patients react to the
acne treatment, although the treatment can have to be continued during months or even years. Here some common methods of
acne treatment which can be employed for the acne. Cleaning of the intestinal area: The acne can be a by-product of an area and the two disgusting intestinal points. In the majority of the cases when the two points are clean the acne will leave. I recommend the intestinal Oxy-Powder of épierreuse. Other remedies include the programme of renovation of skin including/understanding 3 products: Oxy-Skin, Oxy-Zap and a strong concentrate of aloe Vera available at www.acne-answers.org. Remedies: Grasses such as the chamomile, the lavender, the genévrier, the bergamot, the root of dandelion, and the root of burdock can be employed to reduce toxicity and to improve the total state of the skin. Echinacea and root of thorough are often employed for their properties anti-inflammatory drugs and the red clover can be salutary for its action estrogenic. Complementary
acne treatment Acupuncture: Stagnating of Chi in the channels of the face would be the cause of the acne. The acupuncture carried out on these points of the face can help to relieve the acne. Homeopathy: For patients presenting of the pustules and boilings of lamp-shade, particularly on the face, the neck, and back, can be helped by the Kali brom. Selenium is often employed for victims of acne with the skin, the black spots, and the oily pustules. And sulph hepar. Is typically employed for the patients who suffer from the pustules which painful and are filled with yellow pus.